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A collection of recent images shot at Gettysburg College.
A collection of recent images shot at Gettysburg College.
Special Commencement
Men’s and Women’s Lacrosse teams prepare for a Special Commencement ceremony in their honor before competing in the NCAA D3 finals.
Spring on the main quad at Gettysburg College.
ROTC Student Ryan Corrigan experiences the Normandy American Cemetery.
Prof. Hakim Williams moves class outside in early Spring.
Professor Notes
English Professor Chris Fee, photographed with a viking helmet gifted to him by a former student.
Biology Professor Ryan Kerney researching in the woods at Michaux State Forest.
We Shall Overcome
Participants hold hands while singing as part of the annual Martin Luther King Jr. celebration at Gettysburg College.
Students participate in an externship experience at AT&T headquarters.
Piano Master & Prof. Jocelyn Swigger.
Dedication Day
Spectators watch during Dedication Day activities to celebrate the delivery of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address.
What is Time?
Philosophy Professor Steve Gimbel photographed for Gettysburg Magazine feature on time.
Class outside the Science Center.
Terrence Roberts
Activist and member of the Little Rock Nine Terrence Roberts visits with students of the Eisenhower Institute at Gettysburg College.
The Twilight Hour is a Gettysburg College tradition designed to welcome first year students into alumni status upon completion of their first semester.
Graduate Anabel Waplinger photographed for Gettysburg College.